Real or possible situations If + present simple + will/can/must/may + verb

A) Forma oraciones arrastrando los siguientes elementos.

if you open an umbrella indoor
I will help him
she may change her wedding date
if it rains,
if you open the window,
I will back tomorrow
I won't call him any more
you will be healthier
I will travel by cable car
Will you come tonight

1 we musn't go out.

2 If he doesn't come today,

3 I will move to other room.

4 bad luck will "rain" you.

5 If you drink two litters of water a day,

6 If he is busy,

7 if I finish soon my work?

8 If her parents can't come

9 If I go to San Francisco,

10 In case he ask me,

1 If it rains, we musn't go out.
2 If he doesn't come today, I won't call him anymore.
3 If you open the window, I will move to other room.
4 If you open umbrella indoor, bad luck will "rain" you.
5 If you drink two litters of water a day, you will be healthier.

6 If he is busy, I will back tomorrow.
7 Will you come tonight if I finish soon my work?
8 If her parents can't come, she may change her wedding date.
9 If I go to San Francisco, I will travel by cable car.
10 In case he ask me, I will help him.

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