Convierte las siguientes oraciones a negativas manteniendo el tiempo verbal.

1 Alexander Fleming invented penicilin.

Alexander Fleming did not (didn't) invent penicilin.

2 I saw her at the university yesterday.

I did not (didn't) see her at the university yesterday.

3 My sister watches television every afternoon.

My sister does not (doesn't) watch television every afternoon.

4 I met my best friends at school.

I did not (didn't) meet my best friends at school.

5 We are making dinner now.

We are not (aren't) making dinner now.

6 He's good at football.

He's not (is not/isn't) good at football.

7 There are beautiful monuments here.

There are not (aren't) beautiful monuments here.

8 We started to write stories at university.

We did not (didn't) start to write stories at university.

9 He reads his emails every day.

He does not (doesn't) read his emails every day.

10 Mike flew to Japan on his holiday.

Mike did not (didn't) fly to Japan on his holiday.

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¿Ninguna información? ¿En serio?Ok, intentaremos hacerlo mejor la próxima vezAprobado por los pelos. ¿Puedes hacerlo mejor?Gracias. Haznos cualquier pregunta en los comentar¡Un placer poder ayudarte! :) 4.00 (16 nota(s))


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